Monday, June 25, 2012

Moving Forward

Yesterday, Jim moved in. We've talked about it for a couple of months. Something felt so wonderful and strange about sitting on the couch last night reading articles for my graduate project, him on the other tinkering with football tickets. It felt wonderful knowing we are moving forward in our relationship. These are the days and moments we'll talk about 15-20 years from now with our kids about when we were dating. While I'm excited and impatient for our future to get where we want it, I have a happy heart about where we are now. When I look back and read my posts, they seem so long ago. I guess that's a feeling of knowing when you're with the right person when September 2010, feels like it's been years ago. Can't wait to give him a hug and a kiss when he gets home.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One Year

One year ago today, J and I went out to dinner at Friendly's. My choice b/c I had been wanting their chicken parm sandwich...which I discovered they had gotten rid of!

Despite an extra long day at work for him, he came down for dinner tonight at 91. Before dinner he surprised me with some beautiful red roses. The smell is now floating through the apartment. :)

I also had a lil prezzie surprise for him.

While I was arranging my roses, he was reading through his cards (b/c I just couldn't decide which one...) And while he would never admit it, I am almost positive I saw his eyes a lil watery and teary as he read them, and my heart smiled.

My heart smiled b/c I could tell he knew exactly what I wanted that card to say and mean.

My heart smiled because I think he's finally allowed himself to think about our future and not be worried/braceful.

My heart smiled as he opened up the bag and saw the arm floats. I told him later, it's ok to jump in the deep end, you've got your arm floats and a girl there who isn't going anywhere, who could offer CPR if needed. ;)

A year is a milestone in any relationship, but it feels as though there is more of an impact in our relationship.

We sat on the couch after dinner snuggled and loved up. I of course was rambling as I always ramble. I'm not sure exactly what I said, but something about a good future for the two of us. I was talking about drying some of the roses he gave me to put in the J and T collection of one day when I'm sitting on my rocker on the front porch I can pull these things out....and said, so when we are both old bitties we can look back. I caught this lil glimpse in his eye that was different. And got the best snuggle squeeze hug with a response of 'warm fuzzies' from him.

My life changed a year ago in so many ways when J came into my life. I can't help but smile and dream of our future. This was just the first of many to come. I can't wait to see what our lives become as our love grows even more.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Secret Lunch

At Alex and Jennifer's wedding last weekend, I made plans to run up to Js so I could snoop through his closet and look at his jersey. His mom suggested we get lunch, so we did!

I ended up being there till almost four. We just kept talking and talking about all kinds of things! J growing up, her life growing up, past relationship stuff...current relationship stuff! I feel better with her knowing more of the details of my past.

Things I know.
1. I love J
2. He needs to know and believe I love him and am not going anywhere
3. When he's ready, he's the one
4. Number three makes Judy smile
5. That everything I have seen and noticed in the looks she gives him, tells me my instincts have been right.
6. For once, I feel like I'm really following my heart(which I've already known, but it's nice to be reminded)
7. I'm living the life I had imagined
8. J was a cute lil baby.....I not a rat. :) I'll have to ask him what he remembers about that book.
9. I need to buy arm floats for number two
10. Dreams do come true.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Cos I needed a few more smiles before falling asleep.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Falling Into Place at Lowe's

So I've always kind of felt that both my brother and I have been outsiders in life at times. Things never seemed to fall into place for us as simply as it did for other people. I don't know why I've always thought this, but for once things seem to be aligned and happening as they should. He proposed to Jamie today. I guess patience is a virtute and the right and good kind of happiness happens in life like is should and is supposed to. I'm happy and excited for them. I know my brother deserves the best and has always let himself take the back burner for so many other people. It's good to see him being sure about something, especially since the last year has not been easy for either of them.

I've been saying this since last July, but my life just feels wonderful and on the right path. Things feel so right in my life. I love Jim. He's been such an incredible gift in my life. We leave for the beach in about a week and I really want to get him to talk to me about stuff (that I know he hates talking about) while we are there. In my own lil brain...I see and notice all kinds of weird things around me, and tonight, was no exception. It's hard for me to see a future that doesn't have him a part of it. I think he thinks so as well but won't admit to anything. We ran to Lowe's for him to pick up the saw he and B were wanting to get their Dad for father's day. We ended up just kind of wandering around the store for awhile...through the floor displays of kitchens, bathrooms, lights and whatever else we saw. J talking about what he would like to have in a house one day. I'm a woman. I couldn't help but in those 20 minutes of wandering around the store think about what our future looked like. Would this 'house' be our house, as we had joked about before. When Mike called, in the back of my mind I had a flash to the store. While I would not expect us to be engaged or getting married, I see it happening in our future and forming our life together. I get good vibes from his mom and granny towards him about me. I dunno, call it woman's intuition.

It's just incredible to feel like life is falling into the life I had always imagined it could and would be. It feels amazing to know the future is bright and I've got a strong person right there along side me.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Extravaganza 2011

I know people really say to cherish and enjoy the small things in life. The more I'm with Jim, the more I realize this. Today was the 3rd annual memorial day cookout at my parents...balloon madness to boot. I wish I would have taken photos, but was distracted I guess.

I can't really say enough how smiley I was that he came. :) I know he doesn't see it as much, but it really means a lot to me. Things like this remind me how wonderful of a person he is. Darryl caused me so much stress going to family things. While I'm sure he wasn't exactly comfortable with so many people he didn't know, my heart just feels amazing in a different kind of way knowing he cares enough to come.

I was really glad to see him get into Balloon 2011. These little things make life so happy and memorable! I can't really find the words to express this simple joy for me.

He is a good man. <3

Tuesday, April 5, 2011